Emulex HBA Driver Performance Analysis (1) – Measuring Latency


In this blog post series I will expose the methodology and DTrace scripts which I developed for analyzing a latency problem on the HBA Emulex driver.

In the case that you are facing a problem with an I/O subsystem, the analysis should be started on the higher levels of the I/O stack. To get yourself familiarized with troubleshooting in this area, I recommend reading Gregg Brandan’s blog and his Dtrace book which has two chapters dedicated to analyzing I/O problems.

However, if you do the analysis down the I/O stack and still observe a high latency on block devices, this article might apply to your problem.  In today’s blog post I will explain how to measure the end-to-end latency on the HBA driver.

SDT DTrace Probes

First, I looked if there are any existing DTrace providers for the HBA drivers, but I couldn’t find any.

As the next best choice, I looked for sdt (Statically Defined Tracing) providers, but no luck there as well:

dtrace -ln 'sdt:::' | grep emlxs

Note: emlxs is the name of the Emulex driver.

Since the driver code has not been instrumented with the SDT probes, the Function Boundary Tracing provider (fbt) has to be used. As the fbt provider traces the execution of raw kernel code, DTrace scripts that are based on it, may break between kernel and driver releases.

Stack Fishing for I/O Start

As for the next step, the driver functions that initiate I/O operations have to be identified. Therefore, I’ll collect the call stacks when any of the Emulex driver functions are being executed:

dtrace -n 'fbt:emlxs::entry { @[stack()] = count(); }'

I eyeballed the collected stack backtraces to identify the stack which initiates the transfer:


The stack was easily identified because it contains calls to the scsi_transport function. fctl`fc_ulp_transport is the first Solaris HBA generic driver function on the stack before the first emlxs call. Therefore, I’ll consider using the return boundary of this function for recording the I/O start operations.

Stack Fishing for I/O Done

The stack above cannot be used for identifying the complete stack of the I/O done event, becuse the functions will be called in the reversed order, namely the emulex functions first and than the generic ones. However, we can use the I/O start stack for identifying the module names of the functions which process the I/O and then collect stacks backtraces of all the functions involved in the I/O operation:

dtrace -n 'fbt:emlxs::entry,fbt:scsi::entry,fbt:fctl::entry,fbt:fcp::entry { @[stack()] = count(); }'

Obviously, the functions destroying the packet complete the IO:


The function fctl`fc_ulp_uninit_packet is close to the emulex driver functions on the I/O completion stack, so it could be used for marking the end of the I/O operation.

Cross-Checking by Counting Functions Calls

Let’s check whether the number of the executions of the functions, that have been picked for measuring starting and finishing point of a single IO, match:

dtrace -n 'fbt:emlxs::entry,fbt:scsi::entry,fbt:fctl::entry,fbt:fcp::entry { @[probefunc] = count(); }'
  emlxs_fca_pkt_init                                            22356
  emlxs_fca_pkt_uninit                                          22356
  fc_ulp_init_packet                                            22356
  fc_ulp_uninit_packet                                          22356
  fcp_pkt_setup                                                 22356
  fcp_pkt_teardown                                              22356
  emlxs_CQE_to_IOCB                                             22358
  emlxs_check_dma                                               22358
  emlxs_fca_transport                                           22358
  emlxs_handle_fcp_event                                        22358
  emlxs_initialize_pkt                                          22358
  emlxs_msiid_to_chan                                           22358
  emlxs_node_find_did                                           22358
  emlxs_proc_channel_event                                      22358
  emlxs_select_fcp_channel                                      22358
  emlxs_select_msiid                                            22358
  emlxs_send_fcp_cmd                                            22358
  emlxs_sli4_alloc_xri                                          22358
  emlxs_sli4_bde_setup                                          22358
  emlxs_sli4_free_xri                                           22358
  emlxs_sli4_prep_fcp_iocb                                      22358
  emlxs_sli4_process_wqe_cmpl                                   22358
  emlxs_sli4_write_wqdb                                         22358
  emlxs_unswap_pkt                                              22358
  emlxs_update_sd_bucket                                        22358
  fc_ulp_transport                                              22358
  fcp_cmd_callback                                              22358
  fcp_complete_pkt                                              22358
  fcp_post_callback                                             22358
  fcp_prepare_pkt                                               22358
  fcp_reconfig_wait                                             22358
  fcp_scsi_start                                                22358
  fcp_transport                                                 22358
  emlxs_mem_get                                                 22362
  emlxs_mem_pool_get                                            22362
  emlxs_mem_pool_put                                            22362
  emlxs_mem_put                                                 22362
  scsi_cache_destroy_pkt                                        22640
  scsi_cache_dmafree_attr                                       22640
  scsi_hba_pkt_alloc                                            22640
  scsi_hba_pkt_free                                             22640
  scsi_cache_init_pkt                                           22642
  emlxs_sli4_cqid_to_index                                      22920
  emlxs_sli4_msi_intr                                           22920
  emlxs_sli4_process_cq                                         22920
  emlxs_sli4_process_eq                                         22920
  scsi_pkt2bp                                                   39577
  emlxs_swap_fcp_pkt                                            44716
  emlxs_tx_get                                                  44948
  emlxs_sli4_issue_iocb_cmd                                     44983
  scsi_destroy_pkt                                              45280
  scsi_init_pkt                                                 45282
  scsi_hba_pkt_comp                                             45286
  scsi_transport                                                45286
  emlxs_sli4_write_cqdb                                         45840

The output has confirmed that the number of executions of fctl`fc_ulp_uninit_packet and fctl`fc_ulp_transport are 22356 and 23358 respectively, which corresponds to the number of the I/O operations during the observed time period. The small difference is attributable to two in-flight I/O operations that have not been finished yet, in the moment the count script was interrupted.
It can also be seen that some of the the scsi functions get executed twice as many. The script scsicmds.d helps to clarify this phenomenon:

  fp                       synchronize_cache                     8712
  scsi_vhci                synchronize_cache                     8712
  fp                       read(10)                              14558
  scsi_vhci                read(10)                              14586
  fp                       write(10)                             21197
  scsi_vhci                write(10)                             21886

Because of the multipathing (scsi_vhci) the scsi functions will be called twice.

Pairing I/O Start with I/O Done

A little difficulty in associating the I/O start of a given paket with its I/O done event is caused by the fact that I/O start and I/O done are not performed within the same thread. For the sake of efficiency, the thread gets off the CPU after an I/O was submitted. After receiving the data from storage, the HBA device sends an interrupt which afterwards get handled by another thread. As a consequence, the start time must be stored in an associative array instead in a thread variable. Thus, we need to find a unique key to access the start time once the I/O gets finished. An appropriate key can be identified by examining the function arguments of the both functions:

fctl.c:fc_ulp_transport(opaque_t port_handle, fc_packet_t *pkt)
fctl.c:fc_ulp_uninit_packet(opaque_t port_handle, fc_packet_t *pkt)

The second argument, the address of the packet variable (pkt), is unlikely to change during the whole life-cycle of the I/O. Based on this assumption, I wrote the following dtrace script for measuring the latency on the HBA driver:

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s

/* hbalatency.d */

  start_time[arg1] = timestamp ;

/ start_time[arg1] /
  this->diff = (timestamp - start_time[arg1])/1000000 ;
  @["latency (ms)"] = quantize(this->diff) ;
  start_time[arg1] = 0 ;


hbalatency.d can be verified by  scsi.d .

dtrace -qCs scsi.d  -D QUIET -D PERF_REPORT 
  scsi_vhci                                                 0
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count    
              -1 |                                         0        
               0 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      368543   
               1 |@@                                       16447    
               2 |@                                        8801     
               4 |@                                        12638    
               8 |@                                        10302    
              16 |                                         2190     
              32 |                                         306      
              64 |                                         87       
             128 |                                         2        
             256 |                                         0        

dtrace -s hba_latency.d
  latency (ms)                                      
           value  ------------- Distribution ------------- count    
              -1 |                                         0        
               0 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@      356419   
               1 |@@                                       15541    
               2 |@                                        8432     
               4 |@                                        12351    
               8 |@                                        10079    
              16 |                                         2081     
              32 |                                         292      
              64 |                                         70       
             128 |                                         2        
             256 |                                         0        

Note: I changed the time units from ns to ms in scsi.d.
It seems to be a pretty good match. The minor differencies are attributable to very small delay in starting and initializing the script.

What Do We Measure?

The following functional diagram can be deduced from the collected stacks:


It should be kept in mind that  the end-to-end latency measured on the HBA device driver also contains round-trips to storage.


In today’s blog post I scratched the surface of the Emulex HBA driver and built the script for measuring the latency on it. In the next installments I’ll dig into the driver’s internals and provide DTrace scripts for instrumenting different parts of the processing chain.

Thanks for sharing

Nenad Noveljic

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